Reden wir über Hartz-IV-Sanktionen … |
 | - Gunther Sosna sprach mit Inge Hannemann von über die Sinnlosigkeit von Strafen, den Erpressungsmechanismus der Regierung und über Politiker, denen das Schicksal von Hartz-IV-Empfän... |
Robot sews a shirt automatically using stiffened fabric |
 | - The Polyvinyl Alcohol plastic stiffener is already used in the garment industry, and can be recovered and reused. As Sewbo points out, machines already cut and measure fabric, but can't handle soft... |
New Tech Could Read Books Without Opening Them |
 | - Using technology akin to X-ray vision, scientists can read closed books, identifying letters printed on stacks of paper up to nine sheets thick. This finding could lead to office machines that can ... |
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