AUSTRIA: Guy Standing at Vienna Greens, TEDx events (Sep 15 & 17)

BIEN co-founder Guy Standing (Professorial Research Associate at SOAS, University of London) will be speaking at two events in Austria in September.
On September 15, Standing will be in Vienna for an event entitled “The Precariat: No Security, No Benefits, No Future”, which has been organized by the Vienna Greens and the Austrian Basic Income Group. Klaudia Paiha of the Austrian Trade Union Federation will also be speaking at the event (in German). The speakers will address the following questions:
Does the “precariat” exist as a new class or is this just a false assessment in the attempt to find a response to the new developments in capitalism and on the labor market? There are millions of people who live with constant insecurity and uncertainty. What are the approaches proposed by trade unions and by economists to help this growing share of the population secure their civil, social, cultural, political and economic rights?
For more information, see the webpage of the event: DAS PREKARIAT: KEINE SICHERHEIT, KEINE LEISTUNGEN, KEINE ZUKUNFT.
Then, on September 17, Standing will be in Klagenfurt to deliver a lecture as part of a TEDx event. The event will also include musical performances by jazz pianist Tonč Feinig and the “electro swing” act Kiss Me Yesterday, lectures on topics from the zero-waste lifestyle to the formation of planets, an appearance by Zombie Boy — and much more.
Standing’s TEDxKlagenfurt talk will address the topic of basic income as a solution to poverty.
For more information, see TEDxKlagenfurt.
Reviewed by Cameron McLeod
Klagenfurt photo CC BY-ND 2.0 Jinpal Song
This basic income news made possible in part by Kate’s supporters on Patreon
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