Thursday, September 8, 2016


Mike Konczal, “These Policies Could Move America Toward a Universal Basic Income”

Roosevelt Institute fellow Mike Konczal has written an article about basic income for The Nation, a widely-read American progressive journal.
In the article, Konczal proposal several initial steps that might move the United States closer to a universal basic income. Specifically, he recommends that the country start with three policies: a child allowance (he suggests $2500 per year per child), a higher minimum wage (of at least $12/hour), and mandatory guaranteed paid leave (12 weeks medical leave and 2 weeks annual leave).
Interestingly, although Konczal states that what is needed is a policy “that benefits Americans while destigmatizing the concept of giving people no-strings-attached cash”, he does not actually discuss any policies that would result in “no-strings-attached cash” being giving to all Americans — such as a dividend funded by a carbon tax or land-value tax.(It might be noted that some American organizations, such as the National Campaign for Basic Income, are presently looking at social dividend approaches as part of a basic income “starter kit” — in addition to considering such proposals as children’s allowance.)
Read Konczal’s article — and watch a short animated video based on it — here:
Mike Konczal, “These Policies Could Move America Toward a Universal Basic Income“, The Nation; August 1, 2016.
The Nation, “What if we just gave people enough money to get out of poverty?” YouTube; August 9, 2016.

About Kate McFarland

Kate McFarland has written 180 articles.
Kate is a member of BIEN's Executive Committee Basic Income News team. Before joining BIEN, she earned a PhD in philosophy from the Ohio State University (and a masters in statistics before that). She presently holds a part-time administrative position with OSU Philosophy, and she does a lot of unpaid work on behalf of the basic income movement. She's on Patreon (a participant in the BIG Patreon Creator Pledge) to help support her latter unpaid work. (You too can support her there!)

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