Saturday, September 10, 2016


Letter to the Basic Income European Week

Marcus Vinicius Brancaglione — President of the Institute for the deinstitutionalization of lifeReCivitas

I have practiced and advocated a libertarian popular initiative of basic income founded on the principles of direct democracy, which can be summed up simply: political and economic dis-intermediation. I do not know if it’s a Latin American complex, but taking these principles basis, my proposal is this: citizens do not expect governments or wealthy; to take the initiative and constitute a non-governmental and non-corporate an independent basic income. My proposal is that it does not have the least ideal of mutually constitute a basic income not only liberating, but revolutionary.
But what I mean by a revolutionary basic income? Not least that community owns their public and private properties, associated financially to pay for their own basic income from their proper social dividends. Without relying on the grace, blessing or good will of anyone. But in addition, I propose that these common endowments and associates are invested socially and are open unhindered to all people and peace collective in the world, so also the most poor associated, can obtain the income of these funds also their basic incomes.
I use, so the revolutionary word, not as rhetoric because the price may be a little financially, but it’s in terms of paradigm shift. I ask that discounted their income, share more than just profits, ask them to share a new vision of the world where people do not expect more for anything for free with no higher authority on earth or in heaven, do not expect anything but the simply equal in humanity.
I see the revolutionary basic income as a future where the free open initiative of the people will be able to guarantee the inalienable rights of self-preservation and self-determination of all other peoples in solidarity. Opening up to invent, invest in their development together. The guarantee of basic income of a people opening their capital to guarantee the basic income to all peoples. In practice a simple proposal: that cities and communities are free, both to issue bonds and capitalize on their mutual funds investing directly and collectively in one of the other independent funds to pay for their solidarity and no inter-mediation social income.
This investment exchanged between all funds of people on each other, it is possible not only to establish a seamless security system based on the guarantee of basic income, but ensure its own security network in these social systems. A proposal that not only follows the libertarian principles inherent in the unconditional basic income, but which seeks to present itself as an alternative economic and humanitarian bankruptcy unsustainable models of the old nation-states.
The basic income as life is not nationalized or privatized, the basic income and natural properties to be restored to the true owners of their territories and how to be, how their inalienable fundamental freedoms. And if so government responses are the same as ours. We will always remind us to be able to fix them: we are not asking for something to be them, but to pay dividends on the common good that is ours and not theirs, whether such income is not sufficient or ideal. The basic income is not government largesse, it is natural law.
I appreciate the opportunity to once again be able to express myself. And also count on us for action.

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